PDFソリューションズ、DAC 2023およびSEMICON West 2023への出展を発表
SANTA CLARA, Calif., July 5th, 2023 — PDF Solutions, Inc. (Nasdaq: PDFS), a leading provider of comprehensive data solutions for the semiconductor ecosystem, today announced its participation to the Design Automation Conference (DAC 2023) being held July 9th to July 13th and to SEMI.org’s SEMICON West 2023 being held July 11th to July 13th. Both events are held at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA.
PDF Solutions is excited to be a part of these events this year that will highlight supply chain management, sustainability, other critical industry issues, recent developments and trends, management practices, and new products. The Company will host a booth at SEMICON and participate in many panels, presentations, and demonstrations at both events as follows.
- Ranjan Chatterjee (VP, PDF Solutions, Sapience Products) will chair the “AI/ML Enabled Manufacturing Operations” panel at the SEMICON West Smart Manufacturing Symposium to be held July 12 at 2pm at the “Smart Manufacturing Theater.”
- Alan Weber (VP, PDF Solutions, Cimetrix Connectivity Group) will present “Connecting the Dots: From KPIs to Smart Manufacturing Applications to Industry Standards” to be held July 13 at 10:35am at the “Meet the Experts Theater.”
- Greg Prewitt (Director, PDF Solutions) along with Alan Hart (Sr Director, Advantest) will present “Enhanced Parametric Test Insights Through Dynamic Data-Driven Test Flow Execution” on July 12 at 11:15am at the Test Vision Symposium at SemiconWest.
- Ming Zhang (VP, PDF Solutions) will participate in the panel discussion “From Assembly Line to Field: The Future of Semiconductor Testing” to be held July 13 at 3:40pm at the Test Vision Symposium at SemiconWest
- PDF Solutions’ booth at SEMICON West, which will spotlight our Cimetrix Connectivity products, is Expo Booth #344.
- PDF Solutions’ Exensio Analytics solutions will be demonstrated at the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Booth #1841.
- PDF Solutions’ Exensio Analytics solutions interoperation with proteanTecs solutions will be shown daily at 11:30am at proteanTecs’ Booth #1834.
DAC 2023
- John Kibarian, PDF Solutions’ CEO, will participate in the DAC Research Panel “Why Is Curvy Design an Opportunity Now?” to be held on July 11 at 1:30pm.
- PDF Solutions’ Exensio Analytics solutions interoperation with proteanTecs solutions will be shown daily at 2:30pm at proteanTecs’ Booth #2449.
PDF Solutions (NASDAQ: PDFS) は、半導体エコシステム全体において、製品の歩留まりと品質を向上させ、業務効率を高めて収益性を向上させるための包括的なデータソリューションを提供しています。当社の製品およびサービスは、フォーチュン500社に選ばれた半導体エコシステム企業各社に採用され、機器の接続・制御、製造・試験工程で発生するデータの収集、高度な分析・機械学習により、スマート・マニュファクチャリングの目標を達成し、収益性の高い大量生産を実現しています。
Founded in 1991, PDF Solutions is headquartered in Santa Clara, California, with operations across North America, Europe, and Asia. The Company (directly or through one or more subsidiaries) is an active member of SEMI, INEMI, TPCA, IPC, the OPC Foundation, and DMDII. For the latest news and information about PDF Solutions or to find office locations, visit https://www.pdf.com/.
PDF Solutions, the PDF Solutions logo, and Exensio are trademarks or registered trademarks of PDF Solutions, Inc. or its subsidiaries.
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