Exensio platform accelerates analytics by 50% resulting in faster time-to-market for new products
Santa Clara, CA, January 27, 2022 – PDF Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ: PDFS), a global provider of differentiated data and analytics solutions to the semiconductor and electronics industries, today announced that SmartSens, a leading CMOS image sensor (CIS) semiconductor company, has selected Exensio® Fabless as the platform to perform data management and analytics for their entire family of CIS products.
With the rapid growth in the smart video market segment, the demand for CIS products in security monitoring, automotive, and machine vision has surged in recent years. To keep pace with this increase in market demand and SmartSens’ accelerated development of new products, the company chose PDF Solutions Exensio Fabless as its enterprise data analytics platform. SmartSens has experienced superior performance and flexibility with Exensio Fabless, as well as powerful analytic templates, the combination of which has enabled SmartSens engineers to achieve a 50% reduction root cause analysis time. As a result, SmartSens reports bringing new products to market faster with exceptional product yield.
“SmartSens is very focused on the needs and requirements of our customers and achieve this by delivering innovative image sensors to the marketplace, and providing our customers with the product volume they need,” said Shao Zexu, VP of Process & IP Strategy at SmartSens. “Exensio Fabless enables our product engineering organization to achieve new levels of excellence in data analytics for all of our product lines. This has resulted in faster time-to-market and exceptional yield for our products, and has increased the demand for our products worldwide.”
“We are delighted that SmartSens has selected Exensio Fabless to help them continue to deliver advanced CIS products to the marketplace,” said Jun Jia, Head of China Business Development for PDF Solutions. “The data integration and analytics capabilities of Exensio Fabless are designed to be powerful and highly-customizable to enable SmartSens to continue their growth as a global leader in CMOS image sensors. Our vision is to empower all of our semiconductor customers to optimize their manufacturing and test environments through measureable ROI.”
The PDF Solutions Exensio Fabless analytics platform is an enterprise-level, end-to-end analytics environment that architected to empower engineers and data scientists across the semiconductor ecosystem to rapidly improve the yield, quality, and profitability of their devices. Combined with PDF Solutions’ professional services, the Exensio Fabless analytics platform is designed to enable its customers to realize the benefits of Industry 4.0 by transforming how the ecosystem collects, analyzes, and shares data.
PDF Solutions (NASDAQ: PDFS) は、半導体エコシステム全体において、製品の歩留まりと品質を向上させ、業務効率を高めて収益性を向上させるための包括的なデータソリューションを提供しています。当社の製品およびサービスは、フォーチュン500社に選ばれた半導体エコシステム企業各社に採用され、機器の接続・制御、製造・試験工程で発生するデータの収集、高度な分析・機械学習により、スマート・マニュファクチャリングの目標を達成し、収益性の高い大量生産を実現しています。
1991年に設立されたPDF Solutions社は、カリフォルニア州サンタクララに本社を置き、北米、ヨーロッパ、アジアで事業を展開しています。当社は(直接または複数の子会社を通じて)SEMI、INEMI、TPCA、IPC、OPC Foundation、DMDIIの正会員です。PDFソリューションズに関する最新ニュースと情報については、https://www.pdf.com/。
PDF Solutions および PDF Solutions のロゴは、PDF Solutions, Inc またはその子会社の商標または登録商標です。
About SmartSens
SmartSens Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a high-performance CMOS image sensor (CIS) chip design company. It is headquartered in Shanghai and has research centers in many cities around the world.
SmartSens has been dedicated to pushing forward the frontier of imaging technology and growing in popularity among customers since it was established. SmartSens’ CMOS image sensors provide advanced imaging solutions for a broad range of areas such as surveillance, machine vision, automotive and cellphone cameras.
SmartSens is committed to continuous innovation of products and fueling growth in numerous industries by delivering a more comprehensive portfolio of image sensors.
For the Company’s latest news and information, visit www.smartsenstech.com
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